What are the benefits of playing chess?
Chess has been adored as a game of mega minds for ages. Adapted from Chaturanga, an ancient Indian pastime, the board game has its own charm. From Brooklyn Castle to The Queen’s Gambit, chess has always been a favorite game for moviemakers. And why won’t it be? After all, it is a blend of intelligence and patience that makes it interesting and enticing to watch. While watching a game of chess has its perks, the benefits of playing chess are also quite a few.
Read further to know how does chess make you smarter and makes you a healthier person.
Ups your IQ
Chess is a strategic thinking game mostly considered to be the game of the masterminds. But, it actually helps you increase your IQ and thinking capabilities. So, does chess make you smarter? Surely it does. Several pieces of research show that people have noticeably increased IQ scores after a few months of indulging in consecutive chess games. Definitely, being a brainiac chess player has its credibility, but the mind-boggling game helps to be one too.
Trains your brain
Knowing how to tame your brain can help you deal with numerous stances of life. The health benefits of chess include training both sides of your brain. It challenges your mind to exercise logic and develop an understanding of patterns. As we know that one side of the brain handles logic and the other handles creativity, chess can amplify the activities of both your brain sides. If you play chess for several days in a row, you will be surprised to see how quickly you solve geometric problems and calculative reasoning.
Enhances you memory
Is chess good for brain? It certainly is. The previous benefits highlight two reasons, and the one we are going to discuss is how chess impacts our memory. If you play a game in any of the modern luxury chess sets, you will find that your auditory memory improved by several times. You immensely gain the ability to remember things after hearing them once. Connoisseurs of chess also savor the benefits of playing chess by promptly recognizing geometric patterns and decoding big puzzles.
Helps develop skills
We got the answer to is chess good for brain. But the list of its benefits goes on, and we can stop at just three. Chess players have everything from problem-solving skills to reading skills, as it is an excellent brain exercise. A study on students from several elementary schools showed that chess-playing students have improved reading skills than non-players. Another study concluded that chess-playing students could solve arithmetic problems faster than the rest.
Keeps you away from Dementia and Alzheimer’s
The health benefits of chess are not scalable as it improves our health in so many ways yet to discover. A recent study (2019) found chess as a critical element in preventing Alzheimer's and Dementia. Playing chess induces complex mental flexibility that protects older adults from the mentioned neurological disorders. It restores the function of the brain areas that we often stop using. By now, we understand that calculative skills, critical thinking skills, and visual-spatial skills are promoted by chess; this, as a whole, reduces cognitive decline and delays the occurrence of disorders.
So, if you are trying to boost your intelligence, play a few rounds of chess with metal chess pieces or other variants every day and be a smarter version of yourself.
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